Captain Adam Captain Adam is a narrative collage of images and texts from fifty-six comic books and two pornographic magazines. It was originally published in 1993 by Plug-in Editions in Winnipeg, Canada - this is a revised version completed in 2006. The story was created by cutting up old comic books into their individual panels and putting these “samples” into a big pile. I fished out panels at random, held them next to each other and tried to imagine narrative connections between them. Whenever I was able to do this, I taped the panels together on sheets of paper to create a new comic book. Eventually, I made twenty-eight pages this way. Then I re-drew the collaged panels, altering the faces, names and places so as to make the story legible to everyone else. Please click here for a bibliography of the source material for the collages. If you'd like to see the original collages themselves, just click on the "closeup" images (you can click on them again to get back to the finished art). |